Churchtoons, cartoons from Church
Thursday, August 24, 2023
Jesus and way the world works
Jesus often taught ideas that are contrary to our typical way of doing business. One example might be found in Matthew 5:33-37, where Jesus undermined His community's method of doing business by pointing out the fallacy and illogical nature of their oaths. Jesus knew that promises are empty if the soul is untrustworthy. What business practices do you think Jesus would stand against today?
Thursday, August 17, 2023
Obey and Sacrifice
1 Samuel 15, is often misquoted and removed from its context to give us the idea that absolute, unquestioning, blind obedience is the greatest act we can perform. While obedience to God is important, we should remember the commendation of the Bereans (Acts 17) for their questioning and searching. Are you curious and willing to seek truth, or do you accept what you hear from newscasters, preachers, and others?
Sunday, August 13, 2023
I was gonna sacrifice them...
Thursday, August 3, 2023
The Church made me (maybe)
When Christians seem proud of their label, or identity as Christians or as members of a particular church or denomination, they are not living out the values of Christ. The Apostle Paul refers the need for humility and for not being proud of one's affiliations in 1 Corinthians 4. Are you proud of your identity or are you grateful for a God who loves everyone and gave His only Son to redeem you?
Sunday, July 30, 2023
A clear statement on the dangers of Christian Nationalism
Christian Nationalism is wrong, sinful and dangerous.
While United States of America has benefited from God's grace and gifts, so have many other nations. The United States is NOT the Kingdom of Heaven or the Kingdom of God. It is, at best, a unique blending of cultures and practices and we shine when we open our hearts to that diversity, welcome it, and encourage it.
Also, like any other nation past or present, the United States has its share of sin and short-comings. Naming sins like slavery, discrimination, and greed do not lessen our country's greatness, but rather encourage us to become better.
The Church is separate from any earthly kingdom and is greater than any political, geographical, or social context. The Church is the Body of Christ, gathered from all nations and people groups.
May the Church denounce the folly of using political power and tactics that are in stark contrast to the work and message of Jesus Christ, and live out the gospel fully, thus drawing all to the love of our savior.
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
No one looks good in this book

The story of Hagar and Abraham is disturbing on many levels (Gen 16) and reminds us that even the best of us have glaring sins and faults. When we consider how even the best of God's people have committed some of the ugliest of sins, we should be humbled and realize that we are not better than anyone else. We might also consider the political and social structures that we are familiar with are also flawed.
Thursday, July 20, 2023
King Awesome
After years of political and spiritual turmoil, Israel's elders asked Samuel to give them a king, like the other nations. While a king could bring stability, God warned the people that a king would also bring problems like heavy taxes, wars, and forcing citizens into slavery. Many of us are willing to sacrifice God's love for stability. How do you choose stability over God's word, will, and Son? (1 Sam 8).
Each of the cartoons on this site is an expression of a sermon I heard in church. As a cartoonist, my method of understanding complex theological topics is to boil them down to simple images.