Churchtoons, cartoons from Church

Showing posts with label advent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label advent. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Jesus GPS

 The universal nature of the gospel was demonstrated when wise men came from the East to worship Jesus (Matthew 2).  While they were not part of the national, ethnic, or religious backgrounds associated with Jesus or His family, they learned of His coming and how to find Him by following the light of a star. Are you a light that demonstrates the love of Christ and draws strangers to Jesus?

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

How do you make room?

The famous story of how Christ was born in a manager (Luke 2) is often used to illustrate how we don't make room for God and His word in our lives. But, we might also be reminded of the Old Testament stories of hospitality. If the family knew that Mary was about to give birth to the King of Kings, it seems they would have provided better accommodations. How do you accommodate others in order to make room for Jesus? 


Sunday, December 10, 2023

Isolating together


Luke 1 describes two miraculous pregnancies that unite two very different women, Elizabeth, an older woman with a highly-regarded social status and her young cousin, Mary, an obvious target for the social elite's dismissal and disdain. The two women isolate themselves during this time, but still find joy and strength in their connection. What connections do you have that bring you joy?

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

What to ask...

 What kinds of questions would you ask a person who claimed to be God?  When Jesus claimed to be God the religious leaders decided t to ask meaningless questions in the hope of getting a soundbite useful to their cause or to add to their status (Matt 22). Do you ask questions hoping to elevate your status at the expense of someone else? What kinds of questions could you ask?

Monday, December 19, 2022

The lowly are seen


Mary's song of praise (Luke 1:46-55) describes her low social standing and lack of political power, but recognizes God's care for her and those like her. When you feel invisible and vulnerable, you are in the perfect frame of mind to see God's might and His care for you. Who do you 'unsee' everyday? Are there people you could 'see' and give hope?

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Room in your life


The story of John the Baptist's birth reminds us of Issacs's birth. Both were born to parents who were considered too old to have children, but miraculously did (Luke 1:39-45). Understanding that the Advent story makes room for John's story encourages us that we too are important to and part of the story of Jesus Christ and His earthly ministry. Who will you make room for in your story?

Sunday, December 4, 2022

The echoes of Hagar in Mary's Praise

 While considering Mary's response to the incarnation (Luke 1), we might gain a greater understanding of her courage and faith by looking at the plight of Hagar (Gen 16). After being exploited by Abraham and Sarah, Hagar became pregnant which angered Sarah who then persecuted Hagar daily. Knowing this story, Mary's understanding of the persecution she would face highlights her faith in praising God for the event.
(NOTE: Special thanks to Dr Gafney for her work: "A Women's Lectionary" used as a source here.)


Each of the cartoons on this site is an expression of a sermon I heard in church. As a cartoonist, my method of understanding complex theological topics is to boil them down to simple images.

These images will never do justice to the sermons from which they are derived, but hopefully, they convey at least one aspect of those sermons to you, the reader.

I hope that you gain some benefit from the cartoons and will reuse them in ways that honor Christ.